Hello again! As of now I believe that my filming location is going to be Markham Park near camping grounds. I am hoping to ask for filming rights and to borrow a small shed/camping ground area to serve as the "shelter" for my 4 protagonists.  However, I have also created alternative plans if this scenario does not play out as expected. Today I spent the day scouting for other potential filming locations. I visited another park fairly close to Markham Park, called Peace Mounds Park. This location is busier than Markham and does not seem necessarily convenient, but I discovered a small location of barren forest ground. The isolation of this hidden gem can act as a perfect setting for my future film opening. I have currently scheduled to film on the 27th and 28th of this month as I and my peers will be off for the break. This seemed like the most practical time to film my opening as it would ensure that there would be minimal to no conflicts. So far my entire cast is available on these dates and have cleared both of their days entirely in order to act as my characters for my film opening. I am fairly confident that a desolate forest area is the most convenient setting for my opening and society that I am trying to capture. I want each of my characters to be connected to the audience in some way as each one should be personable enough to pull out feelings of empathy from the audience. 
     I also want to touch on where I want to implement a jump scare into my film opening. I researched the film 'The Forest' (2016), as the name suggests I figured I could grab ideas in this particular setting of possible shots and cuts to create the perfect jump scare during the first two minutes of my film. I would like to have one of the men chasing the girls be seen behind one of the girls who has gotten lost in the forest. I hope to ultimately achieve this jump scare effect by creating very disorienting shots with point of view shots and quickly cutting to a mid shot with the man directly behind her. My storyboard has yet to be edited, but I have a feeling this film opening has the potential to take a variety of turns before I reach a final product. I'm not scared of changing and welcoming new ideas to my proposed vision, as surprising elements and a new plot can develop from the sharing of ideas. I will say to touch on my previous blog postings, meeting with a group did give me more insight and created a completely new idea that has the potential of being included at the beginning of the opening. Not only did this significantly help, but also location scouting and creating alternative plans has led me to find new locations which may be included in my final product, rather than just sticking to one set location, I have found the opportunity to branch out from one set idea. Hope to keep updating here on my changes to my story board and possible filming locations!

Jump Scares In The Forest (2016). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://wheresthejump.com/jump-scares-in-the-forest-2016/


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