Hello hello :) just wanted to tune in to give updates on my film opening process. I am currently super overwhelmed with the amount of work I have cut out for me! I did not realize how much work actually goes into production and pre production planning. I felt like I had everything figured out one moment and the next, things weren't so easy. From believing that a location would be all I would need and raggedy clothing, to then realizing every small thing must be accounted for in my film opening. Since I am attempting to portray a dystopian society, all external factors must be accounted from, from what appears in the background of the film, to costume design, and even to makeup and hair of the characters. I wanted to focus in on the makeup and hair design of my characters and how I would go about this minute detail that could influence the quality and believability of the future society I am trying to capture on screen.
     I realized I was in luck in terms of difficulty and complexity of makeup and hair design as I did not have to worry about stereotypical horror genre conventions such as implementing levels of gore, or masks of monsters etc. However, I was left with questions such as where exactly do I start in terms of making my makeup design consistent and believable to audiences. I had to focus on background of my characters and take into account the practicality of the characters situation of which they were in. I realized a backstory was an important factor to take into consideration when designing the characters makeup as it would ultimately go to show how the character should present themselves. I took inspiration from other makeup artists of dystopian film franchise of Mad Max. According to Lesley Vanderwalt, the film's makeup and hair designer, "The script was the main direction and, of course, George. [The makeup and hair team] worked very closely together to create his vision of the post apocalyptic wasteland. I looked at the environment these characters came from, which tribe they were part of, and what they would have available to them." This seemed like an excellent idea of which I could do myself, but here I was 'scriptless' and with a vague idea as to what I want my characters to say during the short frame of an opening.
      However, this being said, I did know that my characters were on the run for months from the White individuals who want them dead. The fact that all of the characters had been on the run with no stable living conditions means that they must appear to be rugged and dirty. Which ultimately meant that my characters should look far from glamorous. In terms of makeup I had little work to do, I still wanted my female characters to carry femininity, but there is no time to do a full face of makeup when the rest of society wants you in a casket. This being said, I do think I will have minimalistic makeup looks paired with "dirt" to make it seem as if these characters have not been able to properly take care of themselves in terms of hygiene or basic appearance. So this being said, I can't wait to create post apocalyptic makeup and hair designs that reflect my characters "on the run" looks. I will be sure to keep this updated with finalized makeup and hair looks during shooting days.

Novak, L. (2016, June 27). *Mad Max: Fury Road*'s Makeup Artist on Keeping Makeup on in the Desert. Retrieved from https://www.allure.com/story/mad-max-fury-road-makeup


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