Audio, audio, audio! I had no idea how hard this could possibly be, but here I am, definitely struggling with how to properly execute my vision. I realized I am extremely limited on resources in terms of both camera and audio technology. This brings me to make a creative executive decision to ensure that my final product is up to the quality of which I would like it to reach. With all of this being said, I came to the conclusion that limited dialogue would work best for my film opening. I want the majority of the feelings for the film opening to be displayed through human emotion rather than audible speaking parts. Not only will this make it easier for me to execute my film opening with as little issues as possible, but will also add to the emotive quality of which I want my film opening to possess.
I can’t just say scratch audio completely as this clearly isn’t A Quiet Place. Therefore I am going to use the tactic of voice over. Through voice over I can provide background and storyline to my characters as the concept can become blurred without proper background information being provided. I also will use royalty free “intense” music to add to the building tension that my characters are facing as they are on the run from the chase of the two white characters who’s aim is to kill them in promotion of the “cleanse.” With the combination of both voice over and “intense” music in between voice over statements in the form of news reportings, I hope to accurately capture the high emotive feelings of each of the girls as well as the intensity that their enemies impose upon them. This dynamic and contrast from news report and emergency broadcasting paired with action scenes filled with rapid music will hopefully come together to create my envisioned film opening! I hope to keep this up to date with updates and I am super excited and slightly nervous to film on Wednesday!


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