Updates! I got my cast finalized for Wednesday and I have left Thursday open as well in case of possible issues that may arise and re filming that may need to be completed the following day. I am worried that my scenes may possibly look differently from day to day as possible weather differences can play a factor as well as characters overall appearance. I am hoping that all goes to plan in terms of my characters being able to make this day dedicated to filming and having people available to re film on that Thursday for precautionary measures. I will be providing transportation to everyone involved in my film and the majority of my day will be spent arriving to the location planning out my angles and movements as well as writing them down in an orderly fashion and trying my best to stick the original storyboard I had planned earlier on during this process.

As I started typing this I have just realized that I do not have a name for my film! All this time planning and processing and I still have not come up with the most important part yet! This is not a post about my finalized name, but I do have a feeling that it will be a series of numbers. I want these to be somehow incorporated into my film opening, and wanted to use some elements inspired from real world events such as those in World War II of tattooing numbers on those who are being persecuted against, much like the Jewish people during the Holocaust. By implementing past real world experiences into a future dystopia it makes the film all the more frightening as this fictional story has once been reality for some. I want the number to be that of the “main” leader of the group, in this case it would be the motherly figure ‘Christina.’ For the sake of the film opening itself, her story won’t necessarily be developed completely, but I do want the majority of the shots to be centered around her and the others surrounding her and looking to her for guidance in their fight/journey for their lives. Ultimately I am extremely excited to see how all of this is going to pan out and what locations and ideas will remain and which ones will be scrapped. I have a long week of filming and editing in front of me and I can’t wait to see what will come of it. This process has been one of much thought and many changes of mind and I am hoping that my final product will ultimately reflect the feelings of fear of people of color in this country face through a dramatized version of what the future can be if this ignorant mentality proceeds to go unattended and unacknowledged.


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