Hey guys, I'm back with a few more updates! I realized I had yet to figure out a location as well as specific dates for shooting my film opening. I knew I had to find a location that appeared to be desolate in order to fit the theme of a dystopian society. I had already figured out my casts, but I had yet to figure out when exactly I would even begin filming. I had a vague idea that I would need to film in a public space where it would be fairly easy to gain permission to film on their grounds, as any private location had the possibility of causing me trouble and tedious altering. I had decided upon filming at a location fairly close to my house, Markham Park where there is a forest trail farther into the park as well as locations where there are minimal to no people. This location seems near perfect, but also has the potential of not being my exact filming location due to the possibility of not being able to film near specific camping sites. My other option is to film near a farm by a neighborhood known as Southwest Ranches, where I would then need to gain permission from those who live on said property to use their large farmland for the sake of my filming purposes.
     My next concern became the weather. Now what would I possibly do if the weather included showers? Would this play to my advantage? Or would filming with fairly expensive equipment be a terrible idea. This unknown has the ability to move my planned film dates over and interfere with the availability of my cast. Unfortunately I do not currently have a crystal ball to be able to tell if this will influence my filming process, but for now I have my fingers crossed that everything will work itself out. As this became a growing concern I began to investigate and find out what I could possibly do if these situations were to arise, which is when I cam across this article that provided me with extremely helpful information on preventative matters that can be taken to protect equipment as well as ensure that audio is clearly picked up. However, I do not think I want to be filming on a particular sunny day as I feel as though this would interfere with the fearful aspects of my film. My hope is to film on a day that is not particularly sunny, but I would also prefer for there to not be pouring rain. A cloudy day would be best for my filming purposes, but considering I live in South Florida who knows what the weather will be! I can't wait for what the next couple of weeks have in store for me. I will surely keep you all updated on my permission to film at Markham as well as the possible dates that align with the weather/climate I hope to have in my film opening.

Watson, F. (2017, September 06). Christopher Nolan-inspired advice for filming in bad weather. Retrieved from http://www.thevideomode.com/news/christopher-nolan-advice-for-filming-in-camera-rain-protection-4743/


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