Hello! I have come back for a few more updates on my film opening production process. It seems never ending, but each step and each consideration will hopefully result in a desired end product that I can be proud of. I am consistently messing with my storyboard and I have yet to come to a desired end product as to what I want to film, which is very very STRESSFUL! I am filming on Wednesday and Thursday of next week and it seems as if the date keeps growing closer and all the more daunting. I wanted to change the way my film is introduced on my storyboard, but I have yet to commit to any set idea. This has been the most stressful part of the process. I know I have to include a news reporting within my opening to bring context to the scenario occurring on screen, but I am still uncertain as to whether or not have it be a voice over, or an extra scene with a zoom in on the situation occurring as discussed in previous blog posts. 
     If I am going to introduce my film with a man viewing a projected news reporting, I will have to plan accordingly and make sure that I film the news reporting first and then project this image onto a blank wall. In terms of set design I want the film to begin in a blank white room, this is going to be difficult to recreate as all of the rooms available to me in my own home are furnished and would need to be completely cleared out in order to achieve this mysterious yet effective opening scene. I also had the idea of including cross cutting and showing "headquarters" of the White individuals who are executing this legal genocide. I currently have bought lights that can be changed to any color on the color wheel. I wanted to implement color psychology into my film in order to evoke more feelings from the audience. As much as my mise-en-scene should consist of a dull color palette, I do not think it would be a bad idea to include scenes of red headquarters of a man viewing the projection of the news report. These scenes have the potential of pulling the context and history of the film together and making my opening more cohesive and less confusing. By having a clearly defined antagonist from the get go, I do not have to struggle as much with explaining ever minute detail. I am excited to see what is yet to come of these lights I have bought and what I can do with them to convey my message of dystopia and horror. 


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